Knowledge Is Power
We’re passionate about educating people to help them make informed and intentional decisions concerning their divorce. On the blog, you’ll find answers to your most pressing divorce questions, industry insights, and thoughts on how you can make the divorce process as amicable as possible.
One of the most significant problems with QDROs is not having them prepared before the divorce is final. The reason this is such an enormous problem
Dividing property can be one of the most challenging and complex pieces of a divorce. What appears to be an easy decision such as “I want the
Dividing a family business can present many issues, so here are a few examples common issues and the outcomes. The first issue is making sure to get
A few states place monetary value on degrees such as a medical degree, a dental degree, or a law degree. That’s not the case in Colorado, so the
Once the dust has settled, follow these steps to get back on track with your finances. Get the lay of the land Before you can find your feet, you
For simplicity, let’s assume that the wife is the lower wage-earning spouse in the examples below. If a couple has been married for 10 years or
One of the most often missed topics in divorce planning is basis. Whether we’re talking about the house, stocks or other real estate, knowing the
Normally, distributions made before the participant attains age 59 ½ are called “early distributions,” and are subject to a 10% penalty tax.
No one can predict when or whether that fateful “yes” they said on their big day will turn in a resounding “no”, with them ending up being